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Defensive Bidding - Acol Lesson 14
♣ To Overcall or Double?
When your opposition have already opened the bidding you and your partner are now the defence. The bidding rules change again when you are defenders (also called 'the defense').
There are two ways of entering the auction after the opponents have opened: a double (also called takeout double); the second method is an overcall where partner must not leave the takeout double in - you must bid even with zero points.
If your partner doubles, then you must bid, unless your right-hand opponent bids and thus cancels the double. You must not leave the takeout double in - you must bid even with zero points. You will only need 3-card support to ensure a fit, because an overcall promises a 5-card suit.
If your partner overcalls then you shouldn’t bid unless you have a fit with your partner or a really good suit of your own.
♣ Overcalling
You can overcall if you have a good 5+ card suit. Remember that points aren’t important for an overcall but you do need a good suit.
- If your partner overcalls then you shouldn’t bid unless you have a fit with your partner. You will only need 3-card support to ensure a fit, because an overcall promises a 5-card suit.
8+ HCP at the level of 1
Overcall at 2 level you need 10+ HCP
A good 5 card suit (2 of the top 4 honours)
Examples of Overcalling
Your right-hand opponent opens 1♣. What is your bid?
Hand 1.
Your Hand
♠ K Q J 10 8
♥ 6 3 2
♦ K 8
♣ A 7 4
Your Bid
Show your spade suit with an overcall of 1 ♠. Because you have good clubs and a shortage in diamonds don't double with this hand in spite your opening HCP's.
Hand 2.
Your Hand
♠ 10 8
♥ 6 3 2
♦ K J 10 9 8
♣ A 7 4
Your Bid
Overcall of 1 ♦ you cannot Double as you don't have enough points and you have too many of the opposition ♣ cards
Hand 3.
Your Hand
♠ K Q J
♥ Q 9
♦ 9 8 4
♣ A Q 9 3 2
Your Bid
You have lots of points, but not enough length in the unbid suits to double. Best to pass and hope your opponents get too high in clubs.

Bridge For Beginners - Defensive Bidding Acol Lesson 14