Limit Bids in Bridge - Acol Lesson 7
A Limit Bid shows your points within a predefined point range (limit) and it can also show the distribution of cards in a hand. Limit bids are useful as they show your partner your points well as the shape (or distribution of cards) in your hand.
A new suit bid is not a limit bid. Limit bids are:
When you make Notrump (NT) bids
Same suit bids – bidding a suit that has
already been bid by either player
Responder No Trump Limit Bids (without 4+ card support)
If you don’t have a fit, (at least 4 cards each in a suit) you should make your bid in notrumps. No trump bids are limit bids. Again, it’s important to show your strength in case you and your partner have enough combined values for game.
Partner Opens |
Responder |
1♠ 1♥ 1♦ or 1♣ |
Bid 1NT with 6-9 HCP (without 4+ card support) and no 4 card Major suit |
1♠ 1♥ 1♦ or 1♣ |
Bid 2NT with 11-12 HCP (without 4+ card support) and no 4 card Major suit |
1♠ 1♥ 1♦ or 1♣ |
Bid 3NT with 13 -18 HCP (without 4+ card support) and no 4 card Major suit |
Partner opens 1♥. What is your bid?
Hand 1.
Your Hand
♠ A 7 6
♥ A 6
♦ K 10 5 4
♣ K 6 5 3
Your Bid
You have no major suit fit and you have the agreed strength to bid game.
Hand 2.
Your Hand
♠ A J 6
♥ 9 6
♦ Q 5 3 2
♣ Q 5 3 2
Your Bid
You have 6-9 HCP and no fit in your partners bid suit.
Hand 3.
Your Hand
♠ 10 6 2
♥ 6 2
♦ A K 5 3
♣ K Q 9 8
Your Bid
Your bid shows partner 11-12 HCP denies a 4 card Spade suit and no fit for your partners bid suit.
Hand 4.
Your Hand
♠ A 7 6 2
♥ A 6
♦ A Q 4
♣ K 6 5 3
Your Bid
Your change of suit is a forcing bid look for a major fit before deciding which game to bid because you have 17 HCP.
Hand 5.
Your Hand
♠ Q J 2
♥ 9 6
♦ A Q 5
♣ Q 5 4 3 2
Your Bid
Subsequently you should bid 2NT, showing 11-12 HCP.
Hand 6.
Your Hand
♠ J 6
♥ K 9 6 2
♦ K 8 5
♣ K Q 9 8
Your Bid
Don’t forget to show your support, if possible, for partner’s major suit.
PREVIOUS LESSON - Same Suit 'Limit Bids' NEXT LESSON - Defensive Bids - Overcalling
Limit Bids in Bridge - Acol Lesson 7