Opening Strong 2's
Acol Lesson 18
Opening 2 ♣
Opening at the level of 2 indicates to your partner that you have a very strong hand. 2♣ opening is an artificial bid. It shows 23+ TP and is forcing to game. Partner must keep bidding until game is reached, even with no points at all.
Opening a strong 2 ♣
23 + HCP
An unbalanced hand - any shape
The bid says nothing about your club suit
Practice hands Opening 2♣
Hand 1.
Your Hand
♠ A K 4
♥ A Q J 8
♦ K Q J 10
♣ K 4
Your Bid
You have 23 HCP - Open 2 ♣ on this hand. All you are saying is that you have an extremely strong hand. You say nothing about clubs.
Hand 2.
Your Hand
♠ A K Q 10
♥ K J 9
♦ A K 2
♣ A 6 3
Your Bid
You have 24 HCP - Open 2 ♣ on this hand. All you are saying is that you have an extremely strong hand. You say nothing about clubs.
Hand 3.
Your Hand
♠ A K Q
♥ A J
♦ A K J 10 9 8
♣ A 7
Your Bid
You have 26 HCP - Open 2 ♣ on this hand. All you are saying is that you have an extremely strong hand. You are saying nothing about your holding inclubs.
PREVIOUS LESSON - Responding to Partners Opening 2NT NEXT LESSON - Responding to Partners Opening 2 Clubs
Bridge Lessons Online - Opening 2 Bids Acol Lesson 18