♦ Opener’s First Bid in a Suit (Suit Bidding)
- Acol Lesson 2
In a game of bridge the first person to make a bid (other than "pass" or "no bid") is called the opener. You should have at least 12 TP to open the bidding in a suit.
Your first bid should be your longest suit – “Bid Length before Strength”.
The rules differ according to whether you open a major (spades and hearts) or minor (diamonds and clubs) suit.
1 NoTrumps(1NT) is not a suit bid so we will learn about this bid later
Ranking of Suits - the ranking of bids from highest to lowest
NT NoTrumps
♠ Spades
♥ Hearts
♦ Diamonds
♣ Clubs
These are listed in descending order: NoTrumps (NT) is the highest bid winning over suit bids:
Spades is the highest ranking suit
followed by hearts
then by diamonds
and the lowest ranking suit is clubs
The importance of this ranking is to do with winning the bidding for a contract. You can take the contract at any level by bidding a higher ranking suit
Bidding 1♦ beats a bid of 1♣
Bidding 1♥ beats both 1♦ & 1♣
A bid of 1♠ beats 1♥ & 1♦ & 1♣
1NT beats all of these but is NOT a suit bid!
Major or Minor Suits, what is the difference?
The Major suits are
♠ Spades & ♥ Hearts,
Opening bids at the level of 1 in either of these suits tells your partner that you have:
· 12-19 TP
· you have a 4-card suit
· your longest suit is the one you have just bid
Note: if you have two 5-card major suits, you must start your bidding with the higher ranked suit (spades is higher than hearts)
If you have two 4 card major suits you should bid the lower ranked suit first then later the higher ranked |
The Minor suits are
♦ Diamonds & ♣ Clubs,
Opening bids at the level of 1 in the Minor suits (diamonds is higher than clubs) tells your partner that you have:
· 12-19 TP
· promises at least a 4- card suit
· open your longest suit, regardless of quality
· with two 4-card suits, open the lower ranked suit
· with two 5 card minor suits bid your higher ranking one first and then bid your lower ranking one for your second bid
Try your new suit bidding knowledge on these hands below:
Hand 1.
Your Hand
♠ 3
♥ A K J 10
♦ A 8 6 5
♣ A 10 3 2
Your Bid
The correct opening bid here is 1♣. With two 4-card minors open the lower.
You can bid your diamond or heart suit later, if possible.
Hand 2.
Your Hand
♠ A K Q J
♥ J 5 4 3 2
♦ A K
♣ 6 5
Your Bid
The correct opening bid here is is 1♥.
Even though the spade is stronger, the heart suit is longer and should be bid first.
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Beginning Bridge Online - Acol Lesson 2