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Same Suit Limit Bids - Acol Bridge Lesson 6

A Limit Bid shows your points within a predefined point range (limit) and it can also show the distribution of cards in a hand. Limit bids are useful as they show your partner your points well as the shape (or distribution of cards) in your hand.

A new suit bid is not a limit bid. Limit bids are:

Bidding a suit that has already been bid
by either player


When you make Notrump (NT) bids

Responder’s Same Suit Limit Bids with 4+ card support

Remember that if you have 4-card support for your partner the opener’s major suit, you should raise that suit immediately instead of showing your own suits.

Opener Responder  
1 / 2 / =     6-9 TP & 4 trumps (in openers bid suit)
  3 / = 10-12 TP & 4 trumps (in openers bid suit)

If you have more than 13 HCP, you must change suit first and then bid game.

Partner opens 1  What is your bid?

Hand 1.

9 7 6 3
A 6 4 2
A Q 5
8 3
Bid 3 Show your 4 card heart support and 10-12 HCP.

Hand 2.

A J 6
J 9 6 3
Q 5 3
J 6 5
Bid 2 Shows 4 card heart support again and 6-9 HCP.

Hand 3.

J 9 8 7 6 5
K 5 3
K Q 9
Bid 4 This promises a weak hand and a shortage. Jumping to 4 makes it difficult for the opponents to bid

Hand 4.

A 7 6 3
A 6 4 2
A Q 5
9 8
Bid 1 first and then 4. You can’t bid 4 immediately, as jump bids like that show your partner you have a weak hand.

PREVIOUS LESSON - Opener's Rebids                           NEXT LESSON - NoTrump 'Limit Bids'   

Limit Bids in Bridge - Acol Lesson 6

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