Lesson 12 - Notrump Limit Bids
No Trump Rebids
Balanced hands are the easiest hands to bid. With 12-14 HCP and a balanced hand, you can open 1NT which describes your hand in just one bid.
With 15-17 HCP or 18-19 HCP, it will take you two bids to show your hand.
Start by bidding your longest suit. If your partner changes suit, then you rebid notrumps at different levels to show your strength accurately.
Balanced Hands
12-14: open 1NT and
partner decides final contract
15-17: open 1 of a suit then rebid 1NT
18-19: open 1 of a suit then rebid 2NT
Practice Hands: Test your Rebidding Skills, what would you rebid on these hands?
Hand 1.
North Hand
♠ K J 3
♥ A Q 7 2
♦ K 9 7 3
♣ K 3
North |
East |
South |
West |
1♦ |
P |
1♠ |
P |
1NT |
P |
P |
P |
Don’t bid 2♥ 1NT shows your hand has a balanced shape and a minimum 15HCP and maximum 17HCP
Hand 2.
North Hand
♠ A 4 3
♥ A Q 7 2
♦ K 9 7 3
♣ K Q
North |
East |
South |
West |
1♦ |
P |
1♠ |
P |
2NT (18-19) |
P |
P |
P |
Bidding 1NT shows your partner only 15-17HCP
Hand 3.
North Hand
♠ J 4 3 2
♥ A Q 7
♦ K 9 7 3
♣ A J
North |
East |
South |
West |
1♦ |
P |
1♠ |
P |
2♠ |
P |
P |
P |
Your partner has shown you 4 spades, you have a fit so you should support partners major suit
Responding to No Trump Rebids
Responding to your partners No Trump bid is not very different to responding to an opening No Trump bid. Responder simply calculates the total point count and decides…
- whether or not to bid game
- whether to play the hand in a suit contract or notrumps.
The only difference between responding to an opening 1NT and responding to a notrump rebid is that the opener will have shown a different number of points. The notrump bidder usually leaves the final decision regarding the contract to partner.
Hand 4.
North Hand
♠ Q J 4
♥ A J 7 4
♦ K 9 7
♣ A J 6
Bidding |
North |
East |
South |
West |
1 ♥ |
P |
1♠ |
P |
1NT |
P |
3NT |
P |
P |
P |
South Hand
♠ A K 7 6
♥ 8 6
♦ J 5 4 2
♣ Q 5 2
Opener North shows 12-19HCP on first bid; Responder South shows 4 or more♠ looking to see if there is a fit in spades; North's rebid is a limit bid precisely 15-17 HCP; South recalculates and knows there are enough points for game and so bids 3NT
Hand 5.
North Hand
♠ A Q 5
♥ K 5
♦ A 9 4 3
♣ Q 5 4 2
Bidding |
North |
East |
South |
West |
1♣ |
P |
1♥ |
P |
1NT |
P |
2 ♥ |
P |
P |
P |
South Hand
♠ J 3
♥ Q 9 8 7 4 3
♦ 6 5 2
♣ K 6
This example is a very important one. Opener shows 15-16 HCP by the rebid of 1NT; Responder calculates there are not enough HCP for game so bids 2 ♥ no interest in game; This bid in the second round is a weakness takeout;The principle is the same as if the opening bid had been 1NT and it is important that the opener doesn’t bid again.
Hand 6.
North Hand
♠ A Q 5
♥ K 5 3
♦ A Q 4 3
♣ K J 5
Bidding |
North |
East |
South |
West |
1♦ |
P |
1♠ |
P |
2NT |
P |
4♠ |
P |
P |
P |
South Hand
♠ K J 7 6 3 2
♥ Q 9 8 2
♦ J 5 2
♣ -
On this example, North the opener shows 12-19HCP on the first round of bidding but has enough HCP to jump to 2NT (18-19HCP) on the second round;
That doesn’t mean the auction is over. Responder is still allowed to keep bidding and, in this case, bids 4♠ saying "this is the best place for game". Responder knows that opener has a balanced hand meaning that responder can be certain of 2♠'s giving a spade fit.
PREVIOUS LESSON - Responding to your Partners 1NT opening bid NEXT LESSON - Responding to other NoTrump bids by your Partner
Bridge Lessons - Acol Lesson 12