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Limit Bids - Acol Lesson 10
Opening 1NT
♥ 1NT…the bid with a difference!
This is a very special opening bid for 2 reasons:
1. Your hand is limited to a maximum point count of 14HCP instead of 19HCP.
2. Your hand must be balanced. This means the distribution of cards in each suit in your hand must be one of these patterns either:
A balanced hand contains
- No 5-card major (so any 5 card suit must be in the minors)
- Not more than one doubleton (2 cards in a suit)
- No singleton or void (1 or 0 cards in a suit)
Balanced Hand
12 - 14 HCP
A balanced hand may contain a 5-card minor but, if it does, it will have no other 4-card suit. Since the opening bid of 1NT is so specific, both in point count and shape, the opener rarely bids again. The responder is expected to take charge and choose the best contract.
What would you bid with these hands?
Hand 1.
Your Hand
♠ K 7 6 3
♥ J 10 8 7
♦ K Q 7
♣ A 7
Your Bid
1NT = 13 HCP
Hand 2.
Your Hand
♠ 9 7 6 3
♥ Q J 8 7
♦ K 8 7
♣ A 7
Your Bid
Pass because your hand is too weak
Hand 3.
Your Hand
♠ 8 7
♥ K Q 5
♦ K Q 9 8
♣ A 10 8 4
Your Bid
1NT =14 HCP

Hand 4.
Your Hand
♠ 6
♥ K J 5 4
♦ A 9 8
♣ A Q 8 4 3
Your Bid
Bid 1♣ - You have a singleton so you do not have a balanced hand
Hand 5.
Your Hand
♠ K Q 6
♥ Q 8 7
♦ A 8 6 5 4
♣ K 8
Your Bid
Bid 1NT you have a 5 card minor suit and would prefer to play in No Trumps if given the choice because the scoring is much better
Hand 6.
Your Hand
♠ K Q 6
♥ Q J 7 3 2
♦ K 8 6
♣ K 8
Your Bid
1 ♥ You have a 5 card Major - Bidding 1NT denies a 5 card Major
Limit Bids 1NT - How to Play Bridge - Acol Lesson 10