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1. Introduction To Bridge - Hand Evaluation
2. Opening Bids
3. Bidding Game
4. Responder Bidding
5. Opener Rebids
6. Responder Suit Bids
7. Responder No Trump Bids
9. Responding To Overcalls
10. Opening 1NT
11. Responding With Balanced Hands
12. Responding With An Unbalanced Hand
13. NoTrump Rebids
14. Responses To NoTrump Rebids
15. Overcall Or Double
16. Takeout Doubles
17. Responses To Takeout Doubles
18. Opening 2NT
19. Responses To 2NT
20. Opening Strong 2 Clubs
21. Responding to a Strong 2 Club Opening
22. Responding to an Opening Weak 2 Bid



Bridge Lesson 8

Quiz Answers


1. Choose your opening bid.

(a)  (b) (c)
A1087 KQ5 A103
A732 Q9832 AJ654

2NT                      2NT                     2


(d)  (e) (f)
A9 AK863 A72
AQ1073 AKQ102 Q87
KQ6 6 AQJ108

2                        1 -higher ranking          2NT - 5-card minor is OK


2. Partner bids 2NT. What do you do?

(a)  (b) (c)
K76 876 A93
J1087 543 Q103
Q732 432 97632
A7 9876 J2

3NT - plenty for game    Pass and hope.        3NT           

(d)  (e) (f)
A9 986 74
Q107432 98 Q87
764 J86543 AQJ1087
96 Q6 85

4-you  have a fit.         Pass. 3 is forcing     3NT - a minor fit is usually

                                     and you don't want     better in notrumps.

                                     partner to bid again.


3. Partner bids 2. What do you do?

(a)  (b) (c)
K76 876 A983
J1087 543 Q103
Q732 432 97632
A7 9876 J

3 -not forcing.             Pass - no prospects   4.  Pre-emptive. You have a good fit.           


(d) (e) (f)
A9 98642 J42
Q107432 9 Q87
764 J86543 AQJ10
96 Q6 AQ

Pass -no fit.                 4.   Pre-emptive.      2NT -forcing. Hoping for

                                           Good fit.             partner to have enough for game.


4. Partner bids 2 . What do you do?

(a)  (b) (c)
K76 876 A93
J10872 543 Q103
Q73 432 97632
A7 9876 K2
2 -positive, showing 2 - negaitive 2NT - positive
       a 5-card suit.    
(d)  (e) (f)
A932 986 74
KJ74 A86543 Q87
764 108 AQJ1087
96 Q6 85

2NT - positive, balanced

2 - negative. You

can bid hearts next.

2 - negative. You

can bid diamonds next.


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