Standard American Bridge Lesson 14
Responding to NoTrump rebids
These are essentially the same as over an opening 1NT. Responder simply calculates the total point count and decides…
- whether or not to bid game
- whether to play the hand in a suit contract or notrumps.
Hand 1.
Opener (N)
♠ J 4 3
♥ A J 7 4
♦ K 9 7
♣ A J 6
Bidding |
North |
East |
South |
West |
1 ♥ |
P |
1 ♠ |
P |
1NT |
P |
3NT |
P |
P |
P |
Responder (S)
♠ A K 7 6
♥ K 6
♦ J 5 4 2
♣ K 5 2
The only difference between responding to an opening 1NT and responding to a notrump rebid is that the opener will have shown a different number of points. The notrump bidder usually leaves the final decision regarding the contract to partner.
Hand 2.
Opener (N)
♠ A Q 5
♥ K 5
♦ A 9 4 3
♣ J 5 4 2
Bidding |
North |
East |
South |
West |
1♣ |
P |
1♥ (6+) |
P |
1NT |
P |
2♥ |
P |
Responder (S)
♠ J 3
♥ Q 9 8 7 5 4
♦ 6 5 2
♣ K 6
This example is a very important one. After opener shows 15-16 HCP, responder calculates there are not enough HCP for game and the 2 ♥ bid on the second round is a weakness takeout. The principle is the same as if the opening bid had been 1NT and it is important that the opener doesn’t bid again.
Hand 3.
Opener (N)
♠ A Q 5
♥ K 5 3
♦ A Q 4 3
♣ K J 5
Bidding |
North |
East |
South |
West |
1♦ |
P |
1♠ (6+) |
P |
2NT |
P |
4♠ |
P |
Responder (S)
♠ K J 6 5 3
♥ Q 9 8 2
♦ J 5 2
♣ -
On this example, opener has enough to jump to 2NT on the second round, but that doesn’t mean the auction is over. Responder is still allowed to keep bidding and, in this case, bids 4♠. Knowing that opener has a balanced hand means that responder can be certain of a spade fit.
PREVIOUS LESSON - NoTrumps Rebids NEXT LESSON - Overcall or DoubleĀ
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