Standard American Lesson 21
Responding to a Strong 2 Club Opening
If your partner opens 2♣, you can warn partner that you have a weak hand by responding 2♦ which shows 0-7 TP. It is an artificial bid and you don’t promise any diamonds. You’ve still got to keep bidding to game but at least your partner won’t be expecting anything from you.
Partner opens 2♣. What do you respond?
Hand 1.
Your Hand
♠ A 8 4
♥ Q J 8 4
♦ 10 7 6 5
♣ J 4
Your Bid
2NT Shows you have more than 7 TP and your hand has a balanced shape
Hand 2.
Your Hand
♠ 6 5 4 3
♥ 6 4 3
♦ 3 2
♣ 6 5 4 3
Your Bid
2 ♦
You are only saying to your partner that you have less than 7 TP, this bid says
nothing about your suits
Hand 3.
Your Hand
♠ A 9 8 7 6
♥ K 8 7
♦ 8
♣ J 7 6 4
Your Bid
2 ♠
2♠ Shows your partner your 5 card major suit AND that you have more than 7 TP
PREVIOUS LESSON - Strong 2 Club Opening NEXT LESSON - Responding to a Weak 2 Opening
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