Standard American Lesson 7
Quiz Answers
1. Right-hand opponent opens 1♣. What do you do?
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
♠ KQ6 |
♠ 87 |
♠ 963 |
♥ A1087 |
♥ KQ5 |
♥ AKJ98 |
♦ Q732 |
♦ Q983 |
♦ 654 |
♣ A7 |
♣ AQ84 |
♣ 64 |
(a) Double. Perfect shape.
(b) Pass. You are short in spades
(c) 1♥. Typical overcall.
(d) |
(e) |
(f) |
♠ A9 |
♠ AK863 |
♠ K7 |
♥ AQ1073 |
♥ AQ104 |
♥ QJ7 |
♦ K76 |
♦ 64 |
♦ AQJ1087 |
♣ 962 |
♣ 32 |
♣ 85 |
(d) 1♥. Typical overcall.
(e) 1♠. Overcall. Maybe you can bid hearts next.
(f) Double. Let partner choose the trump suit.
2. Left-hand opponent opens 1♥, and partner overcalls 1♠. What do you do?
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
♠ K76 |
♠ 876 |
♠ K9 |
♥ J1087 |
♥ K952 |
♥ 9762 |
♦ Q732 |
♦ 95 |
♦ AQ103 |
♣ A7 |
♣ AQ84 |
♣ 532 |
(a) 2♠. Raise partner, as you have a fit. (b) 2♠. Same again. The quality of the trump suit doesn’t matter.
(c) Pass. No fit.
(d) |
(e) |
(f) |
♠ 9 |
♠ 986 |
♠ K732 |
♥ QJ7532 |
♥ 8 |
♥ Q8 |
♦ K763 |
♦ J86543 |
♦ AQJ87 |
♣ 96 |
♣ Q62 |
♣ 85 |
d) Pass. You want your opponent to bid again.
(e) 2♠. A fit. You hope to put your opponents off bidding, as they have the strength.
(f) 4♠. Great trumps and great strength.
3. Left-hand opponent opens 1 ♠, partner doubles. What do you do?
((a) |
(b) |
(c) |
♠ K76 |
♠ 876 |
♠ AQ |
♥ J1087 |
♥ K952 |
♥ AQ10 |
♦ Q732 |
♦ 95 |
♦ Q7632 |
♣ A7 |
♣ AQ84 |
♣ J32 |
(a) 3♥. Your partner has an opening hand and a fit, as the double promises all the other suits.
(b) 2♥. Not so strong this time .
(c) 3NT. You and your partner have opening hands, so you should have enough for game.
4. What is the difference between a double and an overcall?
A double promises a GOOD HAND with support for all the unbid suits. It is up to you to choose the trump suit.
An overcall promises a GOOD SUIT. Partner only wants to know if you have support for that suit.
5. What is the difference between responding to a double and responding to an overcall?
You must respond to a double unless it is cancelled by another bid.
You should usually only respond to an overcall with a fit.
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