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1. Introduction To Bridge - Hand Evaluation
2. Opening Bids
3. Bidding Game
4. Responder Bidding
5. Opener Rebids
6. Responder Suit Bids
7. Responder No Trump Bids
9. Responding To Overcalls
10. Opening 1NT
11. Responding With Balanced Hands
12. Responding With An Unbalanced Hand
13. NoTrump Rebids
14. Responses To NoTrump Rebids
15. Overcall Or Double
16. Takeout Doubles
17. Responses To Takeout Doubles
18. Opening 2NT
19. Responses To 2NT
20. Opening Strong 2 Clubs
21. Responding to a Strong 2 Club Opening
22. Responding to an Opening Weak 2 Bid




Bridge Lesson 4

Quiz Answers

1. Who is opener?
2. Who is responder?
3. Who is overcaller?

Opener = South
Responder = North
Overcaller = West


4. Right-hand opponent bids 1 . What do you do? Give a reason for your choice.

(a)  (b) (c)
AK32 J86543 AQJ63
QJ109 62 62
K72 AQ5 984
65 A2 K32

(a) Pass.  You don’t have a 5-card suit.
(b) Pass.  Your suit is lousy!  
(c) 1.  Perfect overcall.


5. Left-hand opponent bids 1 and partner overcalls 1.. What do you do? Give a reason for your choice.

(a)  (b) (c)
AK32 63 952
432 62 AJ62
K72 AK653 9842
653 7632 32


(a) 3 You have a 9-card fit. The extra trump is worth a jump.
(b) Pass No fit. Don’t bid 2 .
(c) 2. You are promising trumps, not HCP.


6. What do you score for the following contracts?

2 (non vul) making 3 = 140
2NT (vul) making 3 = 150
3 (non vul) making 3 = 110
4 (vul) making 4 = 620
4 (non vul) making 4 = 130
5 (vul) making 5 = 600
5   (non vul) making 6 = 480
3NT (vul) making 6 = 690
4 (vul) down 3 = -300
5 (vul) down 1 = -100
2 (non vul) down 3 = -150
1NT (vul) down 2 = -200
2NT (vul) making 3 = 150
3NT (vul) making 3 = 600
2   (non vul) making 4 = 170
4   (non vul) making 4 = 420


Notice the difference in the last four examples between bidding game and not bidding game.

The tricks are the same but the bonus for the part-score is 50, as opposed to 300/500.



BL4 © Tina McVeigh & Graeme Tuffnell    2006