If you are inviting friends to play with you in a Live Game, send them a link to the instructions on this page.

Joining The Live Game as a Guest

Premium (paid subscription) members can invite their friends to play Live Bridge in a room. The friends do not need to be a Premium member of Bridgedoctor but they do need to:

- register for a free Bridgedoctor membership first
- register to play in the Live Game.

Instructions are as follows:

NOTE: If you are already a Bridgedoctor member, login to Bridgedoctor and skip to step 3 of the instructions to register for the Live Game

1. Register for Bridgedoctor
Go to this page: https://bridgedoctor.com/bridgegame.htm and click on the login/Regiser link or click on one of the 6 icons

2. You will be presented with the login page. Above the login form, is a link to 'Register'. Click the 'Register link , fill out your email, username and password' and click the 'Register' button.


You are now a Bridgedoctor member. Next register for the Live Game.

3. To access the Live Game for the first time, click the 'Live Game' link at the bottom of the main Bridgedoctor game page, then click the large 'Play Live Bridge' button near the top of the instructions page.

4. The first time you visit the Live Bridge you will be asked to register with your email then name and password.

IMPORTANT: Please ensure you use the same email address for the Live Game that you use for the main Bridgedoctor website. If you use a different email address, or have not already registered as a Bridgedoctor member, then the Live Game system will treat it as registering as a new user and will ask for your name and password. When you click save then you will receive the message: "You are not authorised to play this Bridge game". Entering your main bridgedoctor email address the next time will register/login correctly.


5. then create a username and choose a system

6. Complete those fields and click save.

If you have already signed up as a Bridgedoctor member then you will be presented with a list of rooms in the lobby. If you are on the 'free' tier of a Bridgedoctor membership you cannot create a room but you can join rooms that others have created.

So that's a LONG list of instructions needed to access your first live Game. We will be making the process a LOT easier very soon. Meanwhile once you've completed your first sucesssful visit to the live Game, subsequent visits are a lot easier. Just visit the Live Game instruction page and click on the 'Play Live Bridge' link.