Changing to ACOL Bridge Bidding
The first time you play a SOLO Bridge game you might want to change the Bridge bidding system. The default settings for Bridgedoctor is "American Standard", so if you are playing in the USA this is probably the Bridge bidding system you are familiar with. However, in many other parts of the world the ACOL bidding system is used. You can change BridgeDoctor to bid in ACOL by:
From the main Bridge game screen select "Settings" and a Window will popup with a list of choices. Click on ACOL and this will change your default settings to
the following:
4 or 5 card majors (4)
1NT Opening (weak)
Two level openings (strong)
Stayman over 1NT (on)
Blackwood (on)
The settings will be remembered for next time you visit BridgeDoctor.